About Us

Purpose of the Society

The Louisiana Watercolor Society, founded in 1968, exists to advance the art of painting with water media. While watercolor is the preferred medium, we accept casein, acrylic, gouache, and egg tempera.

Master Signature Application Form

Types of Membership


Contact Us

Board of Directors

President: Peggy Kirby-Paradise
1st Vice President: Tracy Hebert LWS
2nd Vice President: Melanie Long
Corresponding Secretary: Joleen Schiller
Recording Secretary: Emily Efferson
Treasurer: Claudia LeJeune LWS
Past President: Tracy Hebert LWS

Directors at Large

Membership: Suzanne Shumate
Fundraising:   Ellen Jenkins and Harriet Mayeux


Installation: Kathy Miller Stone LWS-M
Publications: Chryl Corizzo LWS
Programs/Publicity: Kim Voisin
Workshops: Carol Creel LWS
Technology: Monnisa Lewis