2022 Instructions International Exhibit

Louisiana Watercolor Society

52nd International Exhibition


Please review your information on the List of Exhibitors and make sure that everything is correct.  This will appear in the catalog.  We need to know the price of your painting or if it is NFS.  If you did not include this, please email LWSart@yahoo.com

Thank you to the exhibitors who already sent in corrections.

A 30% commission will be retained on all sales from May 1- 21, 2022 to support the exhibition costs.

Before April 1, Email corrections to LWSart@yahoo.com 



Letter of Acceptance and Shipping Instructions:

1. US Residents
Click to read or print LETTER TO US RESIDENTS
US Residents-Pay Administrative Fee

*Paintings can be shipped now.  A-Plus is ready to receive them.       Instructions are in the Letter to US Residents above.

*Drop off  hand delivered paintings  9-10 a.m. on Sat., April 30 at Place St. Charles, 201 St. Charles Ave.  Come to the Gravier St. entrance.

*Take down day:  Saturday, May 21, 9-10 a.m.

2.  Exhibitors from other countRies
Ship paintings now.

PAY fees—International Artists

Congratulations to Lynne Kroll LWS-M who earned Master Signature with her 10th appearance in an International Exhibition this year.

*Congratulations to the new signature members:

Winifred Breines LWS

Terry Evers LWS

Patrick Faile LWS

Karen Frattali LWS

Tracy Hebert LWS

Buffy Kaufman LWS

Claudia LeJeune LWS

Carol McSweeney LWS

Verena Murvin LWS

Kathy Simon-McDonald LWS

Kay Smith LWS


MEMBERSHIP:  If you are not a member and would like to earn Signature Status, we invite you to join LWS.  The LWS signature is accomplished with a member’s third acceptance into the International Exhibition. Please note:  To maintain Active 1 or Active 2 status, a member must pay annual dues continuously.  If dues lapse, it is necessary to start over.   You may pay dues now to become an Active member.  JOIN/Renew

May 14:  Awards Reception
2-4 p.m.  Place St. Charles, New Orleans
52nd International Exhibition