Location: Oak Knoll Country Club,45246 Country Club Drive in Hammond, off Hwy. 190
List of Awards
Entry Submission Dates: until May 27, 2022
Exhibit Dates: June 1st – June 29th
Awards Reception: Sunday, June 5, 2-4 p.m.
Take in Date: Wednesday, June 1st, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Entry Fee: $20 for 1-3 paintings. No refunds.
Commission: Oak Knoll Country Club will take a 20% commission on sales. Please price paintings accordingly.
Artists: Pick up your paintings on Wednesday, June 29th 9-10 a.m.
Judge: Martha Guthrie LWS will select the awards after the show is installed. Martha Guthrie is an award winning artist known for her beautiful still lifes and landscapes.
AWARDS: 1st Place $150, 2nd Place $100, 3rd Place $75, 2 Honorable Mentions $40 each & 2 Merit Awards $20 each.
Questions: Email LWSart@yahoo.com
***Click to REGISTER and PAY
Paintings cannot be removed before the end of the show.
Exhibit Rules:
Original watercolors on PAPER, completed in the past 3 years (after May 23, 2019) and never shown before in a LWS show. Mats if used should be white or off white. Plexiglass and wired frames are required. NO GLASS.
No jpegs needed for entry but if you include jpegs with your entry, LWS will be happy to post your paintings on Facebook and Instagram during March to publicize the show.
Hand deliveries only. LWS is unable to accept shipped paintings for this show.
Titles and prices are needed by May 23 so that title cards can be printed for you.
2022 dues must be paid to participate in member shows.
Since Oak Knoll is open to the community, all art must be suitable for viewing by people of all ages (no nudes).
Workshop paintings, including copies repainted after the workshop, are not allowed. The use of photographs as reference materials is allowed only if that photograph was taken by the artist submitting the painting.
Entering this show means that you agree to all the guidelines established by LWS. Please click to review the Exhibit Rules on the LWS web site.
***Click to PAY by credit card.
Paintings cannot be removed before the end of the show.
Questions? Email LWS