Frequently Asked Questions


Who can join LWS?

LWS invites any water media artists or art lovers 18 years old or older to join. Members may reside anywhere in the world.

Are beginners welcome to join?

Absolutely! We welcome artists of all levels. Novices, intermediate, and advanced artists typically attend LWS workshops and learn from one another.

May I become a member if I live out of state or elsewhere in the world?

Yes, LWS membership is open to all artists or art lovers over the age of 18, including those living outside Louisiana and outside the United States.

What are the membership categories for LWS?

Active membership is offered to all individuals who annually and timely pay dues to the Society. By exhibiting in the International Exhibition, members can rise to the following levels: Active 1 or 2, Signature, and Master. Active members must continuously pay annual dues in order to retain such Status and be eligible to achieve the next level of Status.

Signature Status: The third appearance by a member in an LWS International Exhibition signifies an accomplishment and designation of Signature Status. Only members who have achieved such status and recognition may use the Society’s initials, LWS, after the member’s name. Dues must be paid annually to maintain this membership status.

Master Status: The 10th appearance by a member in an LWS International Exhibition signifies a mastery of the art of watercolor, and designation of Master Signature Status. This accomplishment is also known as Fleur-de-lis Level. Only members who have achieved such status and recognition may use LWS-M, the Master level Society’s initials.

Life Membership: Life members are those individuals who applied for and were granted lifetime membership in the Society by paying an elevated level of dues prior to 2011. All past presidents of the Society are also granted life membership after having served two years as president.

Charter Membership: Charter members are those individuals who organized and founded the Louisiana Watercolor Society.

What are the benefits of joining the Louisiana Watercolor Society?

The LWS has events, exhibitions, and learning opportunities to enhance and grow your artistic endeavors while meeting new friends along the way.

Members receive a discounted entry fee for the LWS International Exhibition. Each spring, this prestigious show receives entries from around the world.

Members enjoy reduced rates for workshops sponsored by the LWS.

Each year several plein air events are planned where members enjoy fun and fellowship while practicing their craft in plein air.

Members receive the informative quarterly newsletter Waterworks directly in their inbox.

Members receive a free listing on the LWS website, complete with a sample painting, portrait, and website address if they have one.

Artwork and Exhibitions

Why all the rules for medium, framing, size, etc.?

True to our mission, we reserve our exhibits for artists using water media only. We allow watercolor of any kind, acrylic, egg tempera, casein, water-based ink, or gouache. All of these mediums include pigment and binder, but use water to activate.

Our framing rules are generally intended to protect the art and those hanging or viewing the exhibits. Glass and weak hangers, for example, are considered a liability.

Our size limitations enhance the viewing experience. Paintings that are too small do not exhibit well unless the exhibit is for small paintings exclusively. Very large paintings do not fit on our panels and are difficult for our hanging volunteers.

We recently expanded the list of what we accept in terms of medium, substrate, and framing. See each show prospectus for details.

How do I find information about upcoming events and exhibits, guidelines, rules, and prospectus?

The Exhibitions tab on the website will list the guidelines for all upcoming exhibits as well as the prospectus for each planned show. Events such as paint-outs and workshops also are listed.

This information is included in the quarterly newsletter with links to more information on the website and/or specifics on how to register for a paint-out, for example. Events and exhibitions also can be found on social media.

Is collage accepted?

We do not allow any impasto (paint or medium build-up) or collage in any of our exhibits.

How do I enter an LWS competition?
  1. Read the prospectus carefully and follow all rules and instructions. Know beforehand how you will deliver the painting to the competition if you are accepted. LWS accepts shipped paintings only for its annual International Exhibit. Note that you will be responsible for paying for shipping paintings to and from the exhibit unless you make arrangements for hand delivery. 
  2. Photograph your painting in good light before you frame it. Photograph only the painting. Shoot the picture straight on and not at an angle. The camera lens should be parallel to the painting. Use a tripod if at all possible. Crop out any unwanted borders.
  3. Upload the photograph to the device you will use to enter the competition.
  4. Enter your name exactly as you want it to appear in the program if you are accepted.
  5. Enter the painting title exactly as you want it to appear in the program if you are accepted. Use capitalization as intended; e.g., MY MASTERPIECE or My Masterpiece or My masterpiece. Do not use quotation marks around the name. 
  6. Enter the unframed and framed dimensions.  For LWS competitions, always start with the height of the painting and then the width.
  7. Upload the painting file from your device.
  8. Pay fees and submit. 
How do I measure my painting for submission?

At LWS, we measure Height by Width, in inches. Other organizations may want width by height. Best advice: READ THE PROSPECTUS CAREFULLY.

How large can my painting be?

The minimum painting size is 8″x10″. We don’t care if the height is 8″ and the width 10″ or the height is 10″ and the width is 8″ or both are 10″. Our requirement is that at least one side must be 10″ and the other must be at least 8″. An 8″ x 8″ square painting, for example, is not accepted in our competitions. No side can be more than 45″.

We ask for the painting size unframed and framed. If you have an 8″ x 10″ painting and the frame and mat add 1.5″ on all sides, you would report 8″ x 10″ unframed and 11″ x 13″ framed.

How do I frame a painting made on a panel such as Claybord or Aquabord?

Panels that accept watercolor can be framed with standard framing or floated in a frame. Watercolor paintings completed on paper can be mounted on panels or cradles so that no glass is needed. Like any other medium framed without glass, a painting can get scratched or damaged if care is not taken to protect the surface; some members prefer archival spray such as Golden Acrylic Archival spray, while others use wax.

What type of frames are allowed? Is metal accepted? 

If your work is framed, we strongly recommend simple frames of wood or metal. The judge will consider your presentation in the selection of pieces accepted. Ornate, very colorful frames and mats are generally considered to detract from the art.

Can I use a double mat ? Should it be the same white or cream as the top mat?

Double mats are allowed and may be of any color. However, most artists prefer neutral color mats. Keep that in mind as the judge will be an accomplished artist who decides whether the painting is presented in a manner that best emphasizes it. We recommend simple mats and frames. 

Can I use photo references from free photo reference sites or those taken by friends and family for my painting?

Most artists may copy from photographs to learn techniques or to paint for pleasure. But for show entry, photo references used to complete a piece of original work must have been taken by the artist submitting the painting. Even using part of another person’s creative work (photograph) is not acceptable. If your painting is a derivative of a photo, that photo must have been taken by you and be your idea and composition. Photos taken by friends, family members, or even free reference sites are NOT allowed as references.

How do I ship my art from out of state?

LWS accepts shipped paintings only for the International Exhibit. For shipping details, click on the International Exhibit Prospectus, usually available in early November of each year. To protect your painting, we encourage the use of shipping boxes made specifically for artwork. We have a framing service for artists who choose to ship unframed work. 

Participating in LWS

What volunteer opportunities exist with LWS?

LWS could not do what we do without our volunteers and the possibilities are endless!  Members help with

  • various tasks associated with exhibitions such as show take in or transport of paintings to and from shows.
  • committees tasked with providing direction for LWS in the future.
  • organizing a paint out in their area or help with the fabulous workshops and demonstrations offered throughout the year.
  • serving on the Board.

For information on how you can volunteer, contact us at

How many workshops does the organization host each year?

The number of workshops varies from year to year. Please visit our workshop schedule at:

How do I register for classes and workshops?

All LWS classes and workshops are announced on the website and via member email. Just go to the homepage for all upcoming events. Also, see examples of past events on the Workshops page.

How can I donate to LWS?

Any individual, business, or organization may donate to LWS and you do not have to be a member. Gifts are tax deductible according to the law. Donations may be general and non-specific; they may be in honor or in memory of someone or other reasons listed on the website. All donations, regardless of the amount, support the advancement of LWS’s vision of exhibits, education, and exposure to an ever-growing membership of professionals, amateurs, and patrons with a love of water media. 

LWS appreciates being able to acknowledge donors annually in the International Exhibition Catalog, but donations can be made anonymously. Categories of donation include:

Friends of LWS – donations of up to $250


  • Gold Level – donations of $1000 and higher 
  • Bronze Level – donations of $250 to $499
  • Silver Level – donations of $500 – $999
How do I purchase artwork from your exhibitions?

To purchase a painting, email with your name, your contact information, name of artist, and name of painting. Prices are shown below the painting once you click on the thumbnail. If no price is shown, the painting is not for sale. 

Communicating with LWS

How do I contact LWS?

You may email us at

How do I sign up for your newsletter?

Newsletters are a benefit of membership. All paid members with a valid email address will receive the newsletter. If you are not receiving it, check your dues payment or email us at

Does LWS have a social media presence?

LWS actively maintains a social media presence through our Facebook ( page as well as our Instagam (Instagram/louisiana_watercolor_society) page. 

Developing Your Craft

How do I write an artists profile or statement?

An artist statement should be two to three paragraphs that describe your artwork, how you create it and the inspiration behind it. It is not the same as your biography or resume and once written, can be adapted to fit your needs. Examples could include submitting work to a gallery, for a solo exhibition, even for interviews with local papers or magazines. Be sure to write your statement in first (active) person. 

The rule of thumb is that your statement should be 150-200 words and at the most, a one-pager. Your statement should answer in just a few sentences the three W’s about your work: 

1. What you do – what mediums you use, subjects you paint, and materials you prefer.
2. How you do it – do you paint plain air or in the studio or both? Do you work from photographs, paint from life, or both? Do you paint local scenes or from travels abroad?
3. Why do you do it – what inspires you to paint?
Write all your thoughts down and then edit to ensure your statement is concise. For more detailed information, search the internet for information on writing an artist statement, there are numerous resources available.