Louisiana Watercolor Society
53rd International Exhibition
Shipping Instructions & Payment
Please review your information on the List of Exhibitors and make sure that it is correct. This will appear in the catalog. We need to know the price of your painting or if it is NFS. If you did not include this, please email LWSart@yahoo.com.
Awards will be announced at the reception on May 13, 2023.
A 30% commission will be retained on all sales from April 29-May 20, 2023 to support the exhibition costs.
*Congratulations to the new MASTER signature members:
Diane St. Germaine LWS-M, Iain Stewart LWS-M, Laurie Goldstein-Warren LWS-M
*Congratulations to the new signature members:
Sally Baker LWS, Christine Berlinson-Esser LWS, Karen Fletcher Braverman LWS, Connie Clutter LWS, Nancy Dias LWS, Pratibha Garewal LWS, Carla Gauthier LWS, Lisa Pope LWS, Cissy McCabe Quinn LWS, and Lorraine Watry LWS earned signature status this year.
MEMBERSHIP: If you are not a member and would like to earn Signature Status, we invite you to join LWS. The LWS signature is accomplished with a member’s third acceptance into the International Exhibition and the Master Signature is awarded to dues paying members after the 10th acceptance. Please note: To maintain Active 1 or Active 2 status, a member must pay annual dues continuously. If dues lapse, it is necessary to start over. You may pay dues now to become an Active member. JOIN/Renew