LWS Vice President, Peggy Kirby-Paradise, considers herself an extreme left-brain thinker, having spent her career as a professor and researcher. Studying ways to challenge her creative side before retiring, she dabbled briefly in pastel, but moved to watercolor because she found a true teacher in Laura Mitchell, LWS. “Laura is a retired educator and avowed life-long learner,” Peggy says. “Just because a person can paint, it doesn’t mean they can teach. Laura knows how to teach.”
Eight years after first picking up a brush, Peggy says she’s still challenging herself to use that creative side, hoping to master a “looser” style. For that inspiration, she follows Michael Solovyev, Blanca Alvarez, Hazel Soan, and Diane St. Germain, LWS. Her paintings typically feature places she’s traveled with friends and her husband, Lou Paradise. As a relatively new artist, she cherishes the ribbons she’s won from LWS member exhibits which provide collegial low-key competition for artists at all levels.
Peggy’s advice to beginners – find a true teacher whose style you like and join LWS. The camaraderie, helpful tips, workshop opportunities, and friendly competitions are this retiree’s developing right brain.