54th Annual International Exhibition

May 1, 2024 – May 31, 2024


Online Exhibition

This exhibition is displayed on this website.

Scroll down to view winners and all entries.

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Purchasing & Catalog

To purchase a painting, email lws@louisianawatercolorsociety.org with your name, your contact information, name of artist and name of painting. Prices are shown below the painting once you click on the thumbnail. If no price is shown, the painting is not for sale.

Juror of Selection and Judge of Awards

Kathleen Giles headshot

Kathleen S. Giles, AWS, NWS

Kathleen Giles works primarily in watercolor and is a signature member of AWS, NWS, TWSA, PWS, American Woman Artists, the Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society, a member of the Watercolor USA Honor Society, and a member of the International Guild of Realism. Her work is defined by strong values and intense colors on a variety of subjects. Kathleen is a 2023 Arc Salon winner for her poignant portrait, Tears for Ukraine. She has won numerous other national awards as well, including the AWS Bronze Medal in 2022 and the NWS First Place Purchase Award in 2021. Kathleen’s work has been featured in Watercolor Artist magazine, International Artist magazine, the French magazine Pratique des Arts, and others. Look for her in Watercolor Artist magazine in Fall 2023.

Award Winners

Accepted Entries