Location: Louisiana State Archives
Exhibit Dates: March 3-31, 2022
Take in date: Thurs., March 3. Drop off paintings at the Archives. 9-10:30 a.m. LWS is unable to accept shipped paintings for this show.
***Thank you for sending your titles by March 1 so that we can make gallery labels for your paintings.
Mask mandate in effect until further notice.
Entry fee: $20 for 1-3 paintings. No refunds.
Judge: Carol Creel LWS will select the awards after the show is installed. Carol Creel is a watercolor artist specializing in wildlife, portraits and floral designs. She paints in a realistic style which makes one sit up and take notice of her subjects. Carol has won numerous awards, and her work is seen in galleries and private collections.
AWARDS: 1st Place $150, 2nd Place $100, 3rd Place $75, 2 Honorable Mentions $40 each & 2 Merit Awards $20 each. Awards will be presented at the March 13 Members Meeting 3-5:30 p.m. at the Bluebonnet Library.
The Friends of the Louisiana State Archives is pleased to announce its Spring Gala: Mystery of the Archives on Sunday, March 6, 2022 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
For ticket information, or call 225.922.1000. Tickets required for admission to the Archives Gala on March 6 only. The LWS Member Show will be available for public viewing during the gala event which features an afternoon of live musical entertainment, caricatures, live painting, hors d’oeuvres, art exhibition, and cocktails with a Mardi Gras flair!
Artists: Pick up your paintings on Thurs., March 31, 9-10:30 a.m.
Member Show Chair: Cynthia Webb
***Click to REGISTER and PAY
Paintings cannot be removed before the end of the show.
If you are able to submit a jpg of your painting, LWS will be able to use it on Facebook and Instagram to publicize the show. However, this is optional. *** Thank you for sending your titles by March 1 so that we can make the gallery labels for your paintings.
The rules have been updated to allow artists to enter the same paintings in both the Archives and Oak Knoll Shows since they are in different cities. To clarify, please note that a work may be entered in both the Archives and Oak Knoll Member Shows (provided it did not win an award). A work can always be entered in the International Exhibit whether or not it has won an award and as long as it is less than 3 years old.
Fill out and bring/send with your paintings.