Acceptance Information

Congratulations! Your painting was selected to be in the 55th Annual International Exhibition.

Please proof your name, title, and purchase price as it appears on the website. Email if there are changes. All corrections must be submitted by March 14.

Please pay your fee. Print the Painting Identification Tag and the Return Shipping Label.

Framed Paintings

  1. Pay administrative fee using form below. This fee pays for the services of a professional packing company to store, unpack, deliver to exhibit venue, and repack your painting for return. This does not include return shipping charges, which are to be paid by artist.
  2. Fill out the Painting Identification Tag and attach it to the upper left corner on the back of your painting.
  3. Fill out the Return Shipping Label. Place it with your Pre-Paid return shipping label in an envelope labeled “Pre-Paid Return Shipping Label.” Securely tape the envelope to the wire on the back of your painting.
  4. Fill out custom forms. Ask your shipper which forms are needed.

Ship to:

Louisiana Watercolor Society
c/o A-Plus Shipping Co.
1406 Carroll St
Kenner, LA 70062

Contact Info:

Kevin Moore

Framed shipped paintings due at A-Plus Shipping by Wednesday, April 23.

Artist is responsible for return shipping charges. Paintings will not be returned until prepaid return shipping label is provided. Failure to provide return shipping can result in being banned from future shows.

Unframed Paintings

FRAME RENTAL SERVICE: This includes frame rental from a professional frame shop, delivery to/from the exhibit, administrative fee, and return shipping in your mailing tube. Daryl and Sons Custom Framing will frame your painting. At the end of the exhibit, your painting will be removed from the frame and shipped back to you in your mailing tube. The cost for this service is $200 USD.

Include in the mailing tube:

  • Filled out Painting Identification Tag
  • Filled out Return Shipping Label
  • Filled out customs forms. Ask your shipper which forms are needed.

Ship unframed painting in a mailing tube to:

Daryl and Sons Custom Framing
7657 Perkins Rd Ste C,D,E
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Contact Info:

Gerald Ray

Unframed Paintings due at Daryl and Sons by Tuesday, April 1.

Painting Identification Tag

Print and fill out this form. Include it when shipping your painting.

Return Shipping Label

Print and fill out this form. Include it when shipping your painting.


Framed paintings: $65; Due March 14

Unframed paintings: $200; Due April 1

Please use the form below to submit your fee.

"*" indicates required fields

Will you be shipping your painting framed or unframed?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.