Dynamic Value with Kathleen Giles



May 14 – 16, 2024


This is an ONLINE / VIRTUAL workshop via Zoom.

This is a great opportunity for out-of-state members to participate.


$365 members / $415 non-members
No Refunds

Workshop, critique, and video link are all included.


Peggy Kirby, peggyckirby@gmail.com or call/text at 504-905-5907

Class Size:

Space limited to 25 participants


Kathleen will present a 2-3 hour follow-up critique via Zoom before June 10, 2024. The critique is offered free of charge to students who wish to participate. No make-up date will be provided.


As a special bonus, Kathleen will provide a link to the unedited video recording of the workshop to all participants free of charge within 14 days of workshop completion The video will be downloadable for viewing at your leisure.

Kathleen Giles, AWS, NWS, TWSA, AWA, PWS, WHS, NFWS

Kathleen Giles headshot

Kathleen’s primary discipline is watercolor and her realistic portrayal of everyday life has won her many awards. She is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the Transparent Watercolor Society, American Women Artists, the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society and Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society. She is Master signature member of the National Watercolor Society. The artist is a member of the Watercolor USA Honor Society, the International Guild of Realism and an elected member of the Allied Artists of America.

Kathleen was invited to participate in the Fabriano Prize, in Italy, where her painting Tears For Ukraine ll won fourth place. The painting has won an award in the ARC Salon show and will be at the auction at Sotheby’s in 2023. The painting Life Is Feeling Boxed In won the Bronze Medal in American Watercolor Society Show in 2022. Kathleen has had multiple articles published in art magazines and Watercolor Artist magazine listed her work in their “Best of Watercolor in 2021”. The painting Perfect Peony won the grand prize in the International Artist magazine in 2021. Her work was featured in a four page article in American Art Collector magazine in December of 2021. The artist’s work has won the first place purchase award in the National Watercolor Society show twice, with Vanity and Life is Looking For Crayfish. Her painting Life is Fragile was a finalist in the ARC Salon 15th International Exhibition. Kathleen was a demonstrator in the 2nd Annual Watercolor Live in January, 2022. The artist teaches online, sells pre-recorded videos, and gives workshops in other parts of the country.

I am drawn to subjects that are filled with color and dramatic lighting. They can be beautiful but often have an underlying story. My work captures a moment in time. I strive to draw the viewer into my visual narrative and to create an emotional response. For me, realism is the best way to do that.

Kathleen maintains a studio and gallery in her home in Gasport, N.Y. Learn more about Kathleen on her website at kgilesstudio.com.


Life is Having a Spark of Hope by Kathleen Giles
Life is Having a Spark of Hope by Kathleen Giles
Garden Peony by Kathleen Giles
Garden Peony by Kathleen Giles
Tears for Ukraine ll by Kathleen Giles
Tears for Ukraine ll by Kathleen Giles
Kathleen Giles
Kathleen Giles