Notice to Exhibitors:
All exhibitors will be included in the 50th International Exhibition to be posted online for everyone to enjoy and share. Since Louisiana has been placed under ‘Stay at home” restrictions, the exhibit will take place online only. The award selection process will include all accepted paintings. If you paid the Administrative fee, it will be refunded by April 30. The award selection process will include all accepted paintings. Exhibitors should email questions to LWSart@yahoo.com. We look forward to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the International Exhibition and wish you the very best of health.
View or download the paintings:
ENTRY DEADLINE – January 21, 2020
Register, Pay, and Upload your images.
The exhibit will be held at Place St. Charles (201 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana), a luxury office tower in the Central Business District with shops, galleries, a hotel, food court and 24 hour security in close proximity. Visitors can enjoy lunch at one the second floor restaurants during business hours Monday through Friday.
Juror: Z.L. Feng AWS, NWS
The Louisiana Watercolor Society is honored to present Z.L. Feng as the juror for the 50th anniversary exhibition. Before coming to the U.S. in 1986, Feng received his BFA degree from Shanghai Teacher’s University and taught in its art department for four years. He completed the MFA degree at Radford University in 1989 where he is currently a Professor of Art. Since coming to the U.S., his work has received acclaim throughout the country, garnering more than 300 state, regional, national, and international awards with many “Best in Show” awards and Gold Medal honors in major U.S. watercolor competitions including FIRST PLACE in the Louisiana Watercolor Society’s 43rd International Exhibition. His work has been featured in The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist, Watercolor 90, Watercolor Highlight, Omni Magazine, Watercolor Magic, and the Chinese National Magazine, China-Watercolor.
Click to read more about Z.L. Feng’s career.

Landscapes Plus, a 3 Day Workshop in New Orleans
with Z.L. Feng AWS, NWS, May 4-6, 2020
Awards and Sales
The First Prize is $2500, Second Prize is $1000. Golden Anniversary $500 Award. Additional cash and merchandise awards.
A 30% commission will be retained from all sales to support the exhibition costs. Please price paintings accordingly.
The juried exhibition of original water based media on paper is open to all artists 18 years or older.
Paintings must be unvarnished and completed in the past three (3) years without instructor supervision.
Entries must conform to the LWS Exhibit Rules posted on LouisianaWatercolorSociety.org.
- Artist’s original work only. No prints, giclees or digital artwork.
- No glitter or raised paint. No collages.
- No copies or likenesses of another artist’s work, or copyrighted references. Works previously shown in LWS International Exhibits are ineligible. For the complete list of rules, refer to LWS Rules on the web site.
- Framing:
- Paintings must be framed under plexiglass, complete with screw-eyes and wire.
- Mats when used must all be white or off-white. Diptychs and Triptychs must be mounted in a single frame.
- Minimum image size is 8 x 10 inches (20cm x 25cm).
- Maximum frame size is 45 x 45 inches (114cm x 114cm). Framed paintings cannot exceed 15 lbs. Narrow, non-ornate frames preferred.
Any work not meeting exhibition standards may be rejected by the exhibition committee at its sole discretion. Any work different from the accepted entry will be disqualified.
Entry Procedure
Digital Entries File Format: Only jpeg files accepted, using using high quality camera setting or 300dpi.
Digital image must represent the painting exactly, showing no frame or mat and without extraneous background. Image must be correctly oriented (vertical or horizontal).
Jpeg file name should be as follows: Last Name, First Name, Title of Painting, Painting Size.(h x w without frame)
Example: Smith, Mary, Masterpiece, 22×30
Total number of submissions permitted: 7 jpegs
1 entry: $25.00
2 entries: $40.00
3 entries: $40.00 for members, $45.00 for non-members
Each additional entry $10.00
Direct questions to Show Chair, Joette LeBlanc at Exhibitions@LouisianaWatercolorSociety.org , LWSart@yahoo.com or call 225-485-8591.
Register, Pay, and Upload your images.
LWS assumes the reproduction rights of paintings in the exhibit for display on louisianawatercolorsociety.org, the catalog and for promotional purposes only. Each exhibiting artist will receive one complimentary catalog. Additional catalogs will be available for $10 each. To order additional copies of the catalog, contact one of the following:
Monica Bishara at 225-752-2703 or LWSart@yahoo.com.
Louise Hansen at 225-751-5733 or Publications@LouisianaWatercolorSociety.org.
Please submit HIGH RESOLUTION images.
See Helpful Hints for help with locating and renaming files.
Delivery of paintings
A list of accepted artists will be posted by March 2, 2020.
Accepted paintings must arrive by April 29, 2020. The artist must pay shipping costs to and from the exhibit. LWS will provide storage, handling and services of a professional packing company. Exhibitors will be charged a $50 administrative fee for this service. The fee for hand delivered paintings is $20. Detailed instructions for shipping will be sent. Email questions to Show Chair, Joette LeBlanc at Exhibitions@LouisianaWatercolorSociety.org or call 225-485-8591.
It is suggested that artists carry their own insurance in proper limits. Settlement for works damaged in transit remains the responsibility of the artist and shipper.
Signature Membership
Membership is not required for entry. Artists may apply for LWS Membership. Annual dues must be paid to maintain membership status.
Signature status is granted to members after acceptance in three (3) International Shows, provided annual dues have been paid continuously since the first acceptance.
The Masters signature LWS-M may be applied for after acceptance in ten (10) International Shows provided annual dues have been paid continuously since the first acceptance. Check the web site for application form and further details.
You may view and download a Print Friendly version of the Prospectus
Entries due: ……………………………………….……Jan. 21, 2020
Notices emailed for accepted paintings……….……..March 1, 2020
Check website for accepted artists……………………March 2, 2019
Shipped work due……………………………………….April 29, 2020
Hand delivered work due………………………….…..May 2, 2020
Exhibit opens…………………………………………..May 2, 2020
Reception………………………………………………May 9, 2020
Last day of exhibit…………………………………….May 22, 2020
Pick-up hand delivered paintings……………………..May 23, 2020